January 15, 2018 5 Unorthodoxy When Jagi Lamplighter approached me about this Fantastical Schools blog, I was both intrigued, and compelled [...]
January 10, 2018 1 Review: The Worst Witch (Book) Series Review by Christopher G. Nuttall Mildred and Tabby atop her broom The Worst Witch The Worst Witch Strikes Again A [...]
January 8, 2018 8 Boarding Schools Are Evil by Christopher G. Nuttall When I tell people I went to a British boarding school, I am commonly asked about [...]
January 3, 2018 4 Review: The Zero Blessing The Zero Blessing by Christopher G. Nuttall Imagine you were the one kid who can’t jump at basketball camp [...]
January 1, 2017 3 Fantastic Schools and Where to Find Them! Welcome to Fantastic Schools and Where To Find Them, a discussion of all things scholarly and magical. Many [...]