
This article by Tom Simon is a sequel to Ozamataz and first appeared on Bondwine. So far, I have described my thoughts about ozamataz up to the point where I asked whether one could attract that kind of self-sustaining fan participation, and if so, how. This is also the point at which the Muse, or the Guardian Angel, or…


article by essayist extraordinaire, Tom Simon     I have spent the last week or so (when not sleeping off my medications) in a fairly continuous process of brainstorming, chewing over several new-to-me ideas and figuring out how to turn them into actual writing techniques. I forget exactly what prompted me to revisit the Key & Peele skit I…

The Art of Courage

The original essay that launched the Superversive blog!   Our very first post is an introduction to the concept of Superversiveness by Mr. Superversive himself, Tom Simon! The Art of Courage   by Tom Simon     Behold the Underminer! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! —The Incredibles For about a hundred…